Loading up, my bike got knocked over and broke. (note the disconnected piece lower in the picture, I kind of like my brakes to work.)

Biking was out. So the bright blue double jogging stroller was in. We arrived to quite a line. I hear about 460 people did the tour!

The mansion was built in 1902 by an attorney from Chicago. The 11 bedroom, 9.5 bathroom, 3 story & full basement home took three months and $15,000 to build.

In its time, this mansion has experienced birth, death, and ten Michigan governors! At one point it was in danger of being torn down because it fell into disrepair (thanks to the Great Depression). State Parks purchased it in 1944 for $15,000- the same price it had been built for decades earlier. It was restored by prison workers over the course of three years. They reinforced the floors, installed a sprinkler system, and generally cleaned up the property. Everything was able to stay original, even some of the books and furniture. It is lovely inside! However, there are signs everywhere stating, "Please, NO PICTURES INSIDE".
I managed to take a picture of the heartbreaking sign from outside (I followed the rules!)

Instead, I took notes from the women who shared the history of the Governor's Residence. My audio memory isn't THAT good!
The exterior of the mansion is Michigan White Pine, our state tree.

The boy scouts set everything up for the tour and manned the lines and were all around helpful.

One scout even offered to take a family picture for me!

Here are some more outside pictures of the Michigan Governor's Residence:

There is the Grand Hotel!

Kaya insisted I take a picture of the red flowers:

In the end, the girls' patience ran out. The tour is not really geared toward young children, but the girls were certainly welcomed. This tour is going to happen every Wednesday from 9:30-11:30am through August.
I know the double stroller fits through this spot, but I still feel nervous approaching!

It really never looks like it should squeeze past...

This horse was absolutely watching us pass!

Passing Trinity Episcopal Church:

I am working on my annual season bucket list- any thoughts? Left over from last year's list are to go up to Fort Holmes, dance at the Grand Hotel with my husband, kayak, and try a tandem bike. Suggest away, please!