Thursday, June 21, 2012

Learning about Lilacs

We took advantage of a Lilac Festival event at St. Anne's. Kids got to prep their own little lilac (and grown-ups did too). We went last Thursday, but it was offered daily at 3pm during Lilac Festival.

The lilacs we received were Josie, (related to Lucy). They will have magenta edged leaves in fall! The nursery they come from is 3 miles long. My daughter is removing the extra rich nursery soil from the roots before planting it in her cup:

As grownups learned about pruning their lilacs, kids lost their shoes and enjoyed the grass. (I know approximately nothing about taking care of plants, so it was all new information to me. For instance, pruning the top of a lilac branch essentially kills it.)

There were lots of late-blooming lilacs at St. Anne's- it smelled divine!

One of my favorite historic figures of Mackinac Island has been laid to rest here. Madeline La Framboise was an amazing woman!

Lots of little lilacs!

Amazing skies:

Mission Point Resort's flowers:

I have so many blog-worthy pictures! I need to catch up!
Location:Mackinac Island

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